.. include:: shortcuts .. _organizing: Organizing your work ==================== In order to make the annotation go as smoothly as possible, please make sure to follow these guidelines for organizing and submitting your work. The annotation comes in *packages*. Each package comes with a set of *source images*. Using MUSCIMarker, you will create the *annotations*, and MUSCIMarker records your actions into *annotation logs*. The package name usually includes the day it was sent to you and some description of where the images come from (such as the CVC-MUSCIMA dataset, or other sources). The structure of the package, when you get it, will be like this:: 2016-10-28_MUSCIMA/ | + annotation_logs/ + annotations/ + source_images/ + music1.png + music2.png + music3.png + mff-muscima-mlclasses-annot.xml The annotations that you create will gradually fill the ``annotations/`` subdirectory (though you currently have to navigate there manually for the first image after opening MUSCIMarker). The name of the annotation file is derived from the image file, only the ``.png`` suffix is changed to ``.xml``, to correspond to the file format. Therefore, after the annotations are finished, the package be like this:: 2016-10-28_MUSCIMA/ | + annotation_logs/ + annotations/ + music1.xml + music2.xml + music3.xml + source_images/ + music1.png + music2.png + music3.png + mff-muscima-mlclasses-annot.xml The last thing to fill in before submitting is to provide the *annotation logs*. Go to your home directory and find the ``.muscimarker-tracking`` folder. (On Mac or Linux, it will be hidden; use ``ls -a`` in the terminal to see it.) Copy this folder and paste it into the package's ``annotation_logs/`` subdirectory. The package now looks like this:: 2016-10-28_MUSCIMA/ | + annotation_logs/ + .muscimarker-tracking/ + (lots of files) + annotations/ + music1.xml + music2.xml + music3.xml + source_images/ + music1.png + music2.png + music3.png + mff-muscima-mlclasses-annot.xml The next step is to compress the completed package into a ``*.zip`` archive (Windows: right-click, then "Archive", select ``zip`` format instead of ``rar``). After you zip the package, send the zipped archive to ``hajicj@ufal.mff.cuni.cz``. **Please always send this in a new email, do not send it as replies to other mails.**